“Whatever Is Noble”
Philippians 4:8
By Rob Fields
What reflects good character? Nobility is a character trait that makes the list for followers of Christ. The basic meaning of NOBLE is pertaining to appropriate, befitting behavior and implying dignity and respect—‘honorable, worthy of respect, of good character. Its uses in the New Testament are limited but in the cases it is used it focuses upon character. The root word brings out the meaning of “splendid” and “magnificent.” In the Greek world when music was exceptional, it was σεμνός or noble. Both Peter and Paul will use the root word for godliness and ungodliness.
Only in Phil. 4:8 does σεμνός relate to man’s conduct. Paul is making a very general statement in this passage of character. In the Pastoral Epistles σεμνός occurs three times, always among requirements relating to leaders in the churches; deacons in 1 Tm. 3:8, their wives in v. 11, and the aged in Tt. 2:2. “Serious and worthy” is a suitable rendering for σεμνός in the Pastorals.
We look at the root word in order to gain a better understanding since it is used a few times. σέβω sebō; a prim. vb.; to worship. If we look at the root word we see it used in the Gospels three times and in the context of worship or to show reverence to (Matthew 15:9). Luke uses the root word a number of times in Acts. He brings out the meaning of worship but also its use for a “devout man” (Acts 10:2). Paul uses the root word in a more opposite way in Romans for ungodliness. ἀσεβέω; ἀσέβεια, ας f: to live in a manner contrary to proper religious beliefs and practice—‘to live in an ungodly manner, godlessness. (Romans 1:18; 4:5; 5:6). Peter will use the word similar to Paul for godliness and ungodliness (2 Peter 1:7).
“Whatever is honorable” is to think upon those things that will reflect good character. We are not looking necessarily upon someone with honor as a Marine but rather dwell and think about those things that make a Marine honorable. It is the discipline and being the best of the best! What makes the kings court honorable? Ruling the land well and caring for his subjects. What makes a fireman honorable? Going into a burning building to safe life and property. We are to continually dwell upon these deeds, merits, and vitreous character that produces honor. Identify the honorable and dig deep into what has made it honorable. When you consider and think about these virtues, it will inspire you towards greatness. Surround yourself around the honorable and you will radiate godliness character. Character with godliness is honorable.
Honor, Courage, Commitment are the core values of the Marine Corp.
“Honor. This is the bedrock of our character. It is the quality that empowers Marines to exemplify the ultimate in ethical and moral behavior: to never lie, cheat, or steal; to abide by an uncompromising code of integrity; to respect human dignity; and to have respect and concern for each other. It represents the maturity, dedication, trust, and dependability that commit Marines to act responsibly, be accountable for their actions, fulfill their obligations, and hold others accountable for their actions.”
– Source: The Marine Corp.
Virtues that are to modeled. Make a list. Model it – Live it. This is nobility!