Jesus Comforting Actions for His Disciples, part 1
By Rob Fields
During a crisis wouldn’t you like to hear from Jesus that your trust in Him is well founded and secure? At a low point for the disciples, Jesus affirms, reassures, and comforts those He loves so dearly. Let’s walk with the disciples with Jesus and see Him speaking into our circumstances of today?
Jairus Daughter Healing and Women with Sickness (Matt. 9:18–26; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:40–56)
Jesus goes back over to the other side of the lake and is approached by a man named Jairus who was a leader in the synagogue. He heard Jesus and turned to Him in faith that He could heal his daughter who had become very ill. Jairus asked Jesus to come to his house to heal her. He had faith in Jesus Person and ability to heal her sickness. Jairus receives word that his daughter had died but his faith does not waiver for Jesus still continues to his house. What reassurance Jairus experiences in the next few moments.
While on the journey, a woman who had been sick for many years looks to Jesus by faith for His healing. She had spent all her wealth and sought the directions of doctors without any success. She hears about Jesus and says to herself if I only can touch Him, I will be healed. Jesus notices that a woman touched Him in a believing faith for healing. He says, “Who touched me?” The disciples were surprised because they were walking in a crowd and it could not be helped to be touched by other people. They did not know that a woman had touched Jesus as an act of faith in Him. She approaches and shares with Jesus what she has done. He brings this act to the attention of the disciples and Jairus to reassure that He is Sovereign over Disease. What a reassurance for Jairus as he approached his house with a dead daughter.
Jairus had ignored the report of his daughter’s death. Jesus reassured him with these words, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” He shows Jairus what He is able to do by healing the sick woman.
They arrive at Jairus house to find people weeping over the death of this little child. Jesus and His closest disciples along with the mother and father enter into the room. Jesus raises the little girl from the dead and this wonderful news spreads throughout the community.
Jesus exercise His Sovereignty over the power of disease and death. In His new Kingdom, Jesus holds the power of life. He alone can give and sustain life for those who put their faith in Him. Jesus has the ability to meet His follower’s needs that death and disease bring to our world.
Our faith in Jesus is well founded because He is Sovereign over Disease and Death.
In our struggles and challenges we face today, let’s be reminded that Jesus is Sovereign over every disease and death! Our faith in Him is well founded and secure. What a comfort and assurance for today and tomorrow. He is to be believed and trusted!