Over the past few months, the US Senate Chaplain Margaret Kibben has been working on having the various ministries who work on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. participate in a ministry and faith fair. Many of the ministries, including Leaders of Faith, work with the Chaplain office as we minister to Members of Congress and their staff. This past May, the various ministries who have various points of focus, had its first ever ministry fair. It was not only great participation by the various ministries but a number of staff attended.
John Stait and myself were able to share with a number of folks. We were even able to speak to a key person about having an ongoing spiritual heritage tour at the US Capitol with oversight from Members of Congress.
The national press may not have reported about this first ever gathering. The great thing to report to our friends is that we are having a unique and impact upon our leaders right in the hallways of Congress!