During the Month of June. Each Wednesday during the month of June, The Pennsylvania House Prayer Breakfast Group met at the Fellowship House in Harrisburg. What an amazing setting for the Members to gather together for prayer, fellowship, and Kingdom conversation. Each week was truly impactful in many ways. Bonnie was able to serve and show hospitality to the legislators attending. No doubt it was a great success and plans are in motion to meet again in September! 

What is the Fellowship House in Harrisburg? It is a legislative house set aside for prayer, fellowship, hospitality centered on the Person and Work of Jesus!Pennsylvania legislators are full time and many are away from their families during the week to serve in the General Assembly. They stay in the local hotels that are not a safe environment spiritually due to the temptations and vices facing them after hours. The Fellowship House is a safe, spiritual, and family environment to nurture their walk with Christ. Relationship in the Capitol is failing and the need for non-political area is essential. The Fellowship House will meet these challenges and provide great Kingdom opportunities.