By Rob Fields.
It is a new year and we have a new United States Congress. With a new Congress, do we see any good news in the midst of a government shutdown? Is the political fighting and policy impasse between the President and Pelosi the spirit of Capitol Hill? It seems like it is the same old difficulties even though we have new members sworn into office.
This is not the first time nor will it be the last time that we will have such political division. The cultural, political, spiritual, and economical struggles have been around since the time of Genesis. The times we live in are not moving towards a Utopian society but we are not like the pagan society of Rome. I can walk in the hallways of Congress and meet with members to talk about the Person and Work of Jesus without being imprisoned or executed. Yes, the times are difficult and depraved with unimaginable vises but God is at work redeeming lives of the worst kinds. What a pleasure to equip members of Congress around the life and teachings of Jesus. The purpose in this equipping is to allow them to live and govern in a fallen world. We sit together as Republicans, Democrats, white, black, Baptist, Catholic and work through a hard teaching of Jesus – love our enemies. What a difficult challenge to accept but a willingness to work together and be like Jesus.
So what is some of the good news? Have you heard that members of Congress are praying together? How about the time when they come together to study the Scriptures? They are growing in a deeper relationship with each other and Jesus Christ. They are seeking to understand and work together in a civil manner. US Senators step behind closed doors to work out solutions because of friendship and to practice the challenge set by Christ.
We are in exiting times and please continue to pray for our leaders!
“Greet all God’s people in Christ Jesus. The brothers and sisters who are with me send greetings. All God’s people here send you greetings, especially those who belong to Caesar’s household. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen “
– Philippians 4:21-23