“…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
The Leaders of Faith Foundation serve our local, state, federal, and international leaders by putting together prayer gatherings and study groups that meet in the spirit of Jesus of Nazareth.
This is how we do it:
Moving Our Leaders Towards Jesus
- Form and Maintain Local Leadership Groups. These are meetings weekly or during session that focus on prayer, fellowship, and the teachings of Jesus.
- Conduct Local, State, Regional, National, and International Prayer Breakfasts
- Impact Members
- Encourage Members to Lead Spiritually. Relationships are built through time. Our political leaders are encouraged and challenged to be servant leaders as Jesus. Many become a part of the weekly groups, prayer breakfast gatherings, and share their testimony. We all begin to think and act like Jesus of Nazareth.
- Offer Personal Time to Individuals
We consider all that the Lord has done in blessing us with His bounty for our nation and her citizens. We want to share His message of reconciliation through the One Mediator, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of Man, with our public officials. By exhibiting His love, justice, righteousness, and truth to our legislators, we seek to preserve the Godly legacy, which He has endowed us for now and future generations.